We had a wonderful first week teaching english to the baby kiddos. They are so much fun, and I think now we are all getting a hang of planning lessons and teaching class so its much better than our first day. One thing I have noticed about the people here is that they are SO extremely motivated to learn english. They really are a bunch of dedicated people, because they come to english school two hours every weeknight after they already go to work all day and do all the other things that make us all so busy. I am really impressed with them, seriously.
At the school I work at, Instituto Heslington, me and four other teachers teach english to primary students, and then upstairs teens and adults take english classes as well. Between 4 and 8 p.m. this school is hoppin with tons of people. Its great to meet so many new friends, and to start to know the kids so well cause they really are the best part of teaching for four hours.
Here are some of my students playing with our parachute today in games.

After school is when the fun began.! We went into el centro, which is the downtown area of Tehuacán and just walked around and did some people watching. You would never believe me, but I get super cold at night, and basically I kinda froze my buns off, but it was still awesome. Me, Ashley, Jen and Mandy went out to dinner with our friends Carol and Edwin from the school. They are natives, siblings, and also our body guards: We love them. Lucky for us, they speak both spanish and english, so they brought us to this adorable little restaurant and helped us translate the menu as well. All over the city, there are little holes in the wall with great places to eat, and this was TOTALLY one of them. It smelled delicious, and there were already a lot of people inside, so we knew we had found a good spot to eat.
Between all 6 of us, we probably had 8 different things. I actually had an enpanada con quesillo, which is like a calzone with string cheese inside with sour cream, lettuce and salsa. However, it does not taste like that, because it was WAY way better. It was yummy, the perfect size, different and also only cost me 13 pesos which comes to about $1.05. Crazy right?!?! I think next time I will be more courageous and order some tostados, or a ranchero tamale. Either way, we had a wonderful time, ate lots of great food and learned lots of funny spanish words from Edwin.
Edwin, Me, Karen, Ashley, Jen and Mandy

Empanada con quesillo

I am so glad it is Friday so I can sleep a bit more tomorrow, and not have to worry about lessons or class.!
-Sara Jacqueline
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