Mexican Monday: Womp Womp
Alright, so my weekend was not so hot. I felt sick, and then ok, then sicker, and then just alright, and then SUPER sick, wanna die, and then today I am taking it easy. Basically I am not quite sure what's up, but until I feel awesome again, I am having yogurt and fruit only. Fun times.
Not only have I been Sicky Sara, my email also was hacked from the awesome mexican internet, so I have been locked our for two days now, and can't solve the mystery. The security questions are simple as pie, and somehow my answers are incorrect. Gahh! Does anyone know where I was born, cause apparently I have no idea.?!
Besides that I feel like I have a ton of stuff to do, its freezing cold outside, and I miss my missionary.
Yes I heard from him today through my school email account, but we didn't get to say much, because its very slow and much different than AOL. Yes I am disappointed, and yes this only added to my pity party. Woah is me.
The other womp of the 'womp womp' is that Justen didn't have such a funtastic week either, for unbloggable reasons. Poor guy. It was one of those, we both wanna run away together, I miss you so much kind of Mondays. So we swapped advice, and I love you's and hopefully next week will be cheerier.
Anywhoot, I finally had a mango on a stick here in Tehuacán, and it was fabulous and less than a dollar. I will definitely be snackin' on those again. Excuse my weird outfit, we were having a "swimsuit Saturday", but it was too cold for all that nonsense so we threw on some stuff overtop.

Next Mexican Monday better be better...hah..Only 45 weeks to go!!
-Sara Jacqueline
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