Mmmm Tamale!!
I made it to Tehuacán safely and am so happy to be living with my wonderful host family. On Friday night, I got to their house around 8 and they were so sweet and very excited to see me. My host mother and father are Isabel and Rogelio, however I have only seen my host father once because he works a lot. I also have two sisters named Viviana and Elly, who are crazy, wild and hilarious and we have had lots of fun so far. My first meal with my family was HOT DOGS!!! I just thought that was funny..but I am glad they fed me something mild.
Mis hermanas: Elly y Viviana
They have their gifts from Three Kings Day, which is where after Christmas when Jesus was born, the three wise men traveled to bring him gifts, and it is said that the three kings reached Jesus on January 5, which is when parents give their children gifts here in Mexico.

They thought that photo booth was the funniest thing ever.

On Saturday, me and the other teachers, the six of us, all met at the school to begin our preparation for Monday when all the kids come. After we sorted out all the details of who is teaching what (I am teaching Kinder..ages 5-8) and rules and such, we went out for a walk. We actually borrowed this map from Teo, our native coordinator, and he told us specifically not to lose it. Anyways, so we walked all over the city and all the way to a mall..which was quite far...and eventually lost the map. Ooops.
We stopped for lunch at this place called Cafeteria Kevin, and me and Ashley, my head teacher, split 4 tacos. They were actually more like what Americans think of as taquitos. Small and rolled up, we each had one with quesillo, which is like string cheese, and then one with chicken. They were pretty good, but very fried. They came topped with lettuce and goat cheese!
The mall was probably most like home, it was just as nice as any mall I have been too, had tons of stores, and even American restaurants. The movie theater was huge, and we definitely plan on coming back for some Nutella flavored fro-yo.
My family picked me up later from school and we went to get tamales from someone they knew. My mother talks super fast, and knows very little english. My sisters know some, but they get tripped up a lot. So for dinner we had tamales, and it was hard for them to explain to me what it was, but its corn, chicken and salsa..which are three things I like, so I tried it, and it was WAYY good. It was all neatly wrapped up in a banana leaf. Yum. After dinner the girls wanted to know if I knew how to make paper rain, or what I figured out, were paper snowflakes. So we did a little cutting ...

This morning, my mom walked me to church where I met up with the other girls and then afterwards we spent the afternoon hanging out at the school in the courtyard laying in the sun and talking. It was pretty nice. Today my family went to the Ranch and they have not returned yet, but hopefully soon!

Ten Craziest things I have seen this past Weekend:
- Krispy Kreme donuts in the Mexico City Airport
- Starbucks
- A Rooster outside my Window at 5 a.m.
- A Meat bee hive hanging from a Restaurant (I wish I had a picture)
- A "Wal-Mart" with a bag check at the front door (You cannot have any bags in the store)
- Those security tags you find on clothes at department stores that explode black ink, on bottles of mascara at the store
- REALLY cheap bottled water
- An electric powered GIANT rocking horse at the Mall (The children were riding them everywhere)
- Children walking along the interstate
- All American movies in spanish, which cracked me up cause their lips don't match the Sound
Tomorrow is our first day of teaching, and I am SOO excited :)
Even better, its Mexican Monday!!
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