Photo Day: 2
These are all the fabulous girls in my teaching group. We spend all of our time together teaching and touring. From L to R: Courtney, Mandy, Bonnie, Ashley and Jen
Today we got AMAZING mexican ice cream for only 50 cents! How do you say....we will be back!!?

In el centro de Tehuacán, there is this beautiful Cathedral, that is usually busy with lots of people. Outside there is always a garland of flowers to symbolize a celebration. If the flowers are white, its for a wedding and if they are orange, it is for a quinceñera, or a girl's fifteenth birthday.

In my class today, these two cuties made pet rocks. At school, the kids are strictly not allowed to speak spanish, only english, so they were really afraid to tell me their pet's name's at home, because of course they are all spanish names! Pretty funny.
When I get my laundry done, down the corner, it comes back all neatly packaged and folded so cute!
One of my best students gave me this elote sucker today. It's supposed to be like the real elotes, which is corn on a stick with mayo and chile. Crazy Mexican candy..
See how funny it looks...literally a corn on the cob sucker.
Yeah, I tried it. And then the trash had its fun with this sucker. It tasted like the sweet feed from home that the horses get, which I used to eat as a kid. Yuck times five. I tried sucking on it for a while to see if it got better, but it just has no potential. Sorry Alexia, I still love your kind gift!!
-Sara Jacqueline
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