Mexican Monday!!!
I feel like Mondays come so much faster than they did before when I was in school, but I don't mind a bit. I love waiting to hear from Justen and all the cool missionary stuff he is doing.
This week, he had lots of wonderful news. First of all, Today he had a baptism for a 15 year old boy. Soo exciting! Even better news, is that they have four more baptism dates set up for the next coming weeks, which is also a wonderful blessing! Him and his companion are very excited for their investigators, and so am I and I don't even know them. Missionary work is such a neat thing to watch and hear about from my perspective.
In other news, he finally got his Christmas package!! He is so sweet. I apologized for it being so late and he says, "I always have said Christmas should be all year long". Yess, we both LOVE Christmas. Also our anniversary is today, which he remembered, so I think its a good sign that he knows what day it is..haha.
Basically to sum up the mushy stuff, he is as cute as pie. The end.
This morning we went to an extreme Zumba class. It was crazy fun, and pretty different from home. Those Mexican Zumba instructors will kick your buns. I loved it!!
Also today in my part of Mexico, we got our first dance lessons with our friend Edwin. Its not really hard, but I still feel awkward. I kept slipping all over the place in my sandals on the tile floor, which only added to the humor. I spent the rest of my day doing school work, and lounging in the sun before teaching time. So lucky.
Hey, did I mention they sell these babies everywhere?? They are seasoned grasshoppers and you can buy them by the bag full like peanuts. Gross times eleven. I haven't tried them, but I have heard they are good with lime!

Happy Mexican Monday!!
-Sara Jacqueline
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