Let's Get in those Grutas!
Before we headed out to the caves, or course we had to have our breakfast with the nuns. It actually was a lot better than last night, we had scrambled eggs with tortillas and pinto beans, all things which I dislike, but they weren't as bad as the Mole. We also had a basket full of bread and bananas, so we ended up surviving. But again, we were stuffed because the nuns LOVE to feed little white girls.
This morning we were up at the butt crack of dawn after breakfast to take a bus out of town about 25 minutes to the grutas; Grutas is basically another word for caves or caverns. The Grutas de Cacahuamilpa were the biggest cave I have EVER seen. I have seen plenty of caves in my day, including Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and as far as I can remember, nothing compares to this cave. The cave is 2km long, and super high..however, I could never find an exact number, I know that it is atleast 110 meters high..still pretty big.
The tour lasted WAY longer than we could have ever imagined, over two hours long. However, there was a bathroom in a cave and a theater for the symphony orchestra that performs there. Wildest thing ever, what a cave.
After our extremely long cave tour, we went all the way down the mountain where there was a nice little river. Since it is the dry season, it was more like a very large creek, but we are told in the summer it is a huge wild river. We took a rafting tour through an cave that has an underground river, which was really stinkin cool. The best part was wearing life jackets and headlamps..which seemed to turn us all into crazy fools.
We had four guides come with the six of us, a bunch of boys ages 14, 15 and 17. Basically, we turned the entire ride into a radio and sang to them the whole time on our little ride through the cave. We even made up songs about Diego, Leo, Felix and Alejandro and of course they clapped along. Everyone else who was swimming in the cave was totally jealous of all the attention we were giving our tour guides. hahah! We like to think we made their day a hundred times more interesting.

After our long excursion, we decided for the evening we wanted to check out their mall, so we could compare it to the one we have in Tehuacán, and also enjoy some ice cream. The weather was perfect and we had another great day on vacation in Taxco.
-Sara Jacqueline
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