Mexican Monday: Finally February!
So Justen is basically the stinkin cutest thing ever, but he is also way crazy. I wasn't able to email him on Monday because I was in Cuetzalan, so I had to email him ahead of time and missed being able to email chat back and forth with him while I was out being adventurous. However, he emailed me back, but said practically nothing about himself.! I mean, I am glad he thinks the world of me, and wants to ask me stuff and tell me mushy secrets about love and hugs and clouds, but come on dude... tell me about your life!!
He said this week, he got a ton of snail mail from me, which made his week! What a blessing that the mail shows up at the perfect time, when he is struggling a little. Cool huh? I know he probably got a TON of cards and letters, because the mail was extremellllllly backed from the holidays. Mexico is ninety seven times slower than mail in Antarctica. The best thing he said in my letter that is sharable with the entire world was:
"One day we will go to tons of places to visit. But I would be completely happy sitting with you and just eating a bowl of cereal"
Yes that is true love right there! haha!
I borrowed the email he sent to his family from one of his sisters, so I would know what he was really up to this last week. First of all, he moved into a new house, and the missionaries have been busy fixing it up and making it much prettier. Jehu, a recent convert is going to get to go to the temple soon, so that is very exciting for everyone! The funniest part is what he told his family NOT to tell me:
"I have a Mexican Mom now, and she feeds us all the time, so I am probably gaining weight"
Yes, he is crazy I know. I love it.
Anyways, here is another picture of Cuetzalan as I sat and watched the sunrise this Monday morning from our indigenous village hostel. 44 Weeks to Go!! Happy Mexican Monday to my chicas!!

-Sara Jacqueline
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