Thursday, February 2, 2012

Havin' Fun (not) in The Sun!

One of my good Missionary girlfriend friends tagged me in a fun blog post, and since its cloudy here in Tehuacán, we really haven't had anything better to do but sit around and think of lots of random facts and questions. I hope you enjoy!

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

12 Fun Facts About Me
1. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and am so thankful for all my many blessings.
2. I love to sing, and I really miss being in Choir.
3. Sending and receiving postcards is one of my favorite things to do, and my family even has a big big collection put together in a book. Send me one please!!!
4. You could feed me broccoli for days and I would be the happiest camper ever.
5. My Missionary only has 10.5 months left!!! :)
6. I love making lists. Lists for anything: baby names, places to go, states to live in, things to do, everything!!
7. Even though I tend to dread exercise, I love it, and spend a lot of time running around like a fool in the cold weather.
8. I love to kayak!
9. I have never dyed my hair, which lotsa people tend to not believe me, but this is All Natural baby!
10. I am obsessed with my sewing machine. I got a fancy pants machine for my 12th Birthday, and we have been best friends ever since. I have made a lot of my clothes, gifts, and also things to sell. At 11 years old, I sold over a hundred scarves I had made.
11. One of my favorite fattening things to do is bake. I have a huge collection of recipes, sometimes I just make stuff up, and I like to try everything from cookies, cake, bread, pie. If you want some sweets, just ask me!
12. I might slightly be obsessed with everything and anything Vera Bradley. Its ok though, I'm a girl.

12 Questions from Candice for Me:
1. What's your favorite season, why?
Fall because it is beautiful weather, and I love wearing big sweatshirts and shorts. With all the trees in Kentucky, the scenery is really wonderful with all of the changing leaves.
2. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
I am actually very happy with where I am, Tehuacán, Mexico is quite an adventure in itself..but I would love to be home for a quick moment to have some lunch..haha..I just want some normal food for a moment! haha
3. Why do you blog?
Well for several reasons: I think it is a lot of fun to share with my family and friends the stuff going on in my life, also I am waiting for my missionary, Justen, and I want to document everything so he won't feel like he ever missed out.
4. Who is your hero?
Probably my Mom, because she gave birth to a 12 pound baby, and without that great effort, I wouldn't be here!
5. What is your favorite tv show? Why?
Well recently I have been away from all sorts of T.V. But I really miss Teen Mom, and all other sorts of documentary series like that. I just think they are so so interesting. But Also, I love Gilmore Girls, and it's my go to series for lazy days, cold days, sick days, or long nights. It is just humor for smart girls, I love it.
6. Do you have a new years resolution? what is it?
Ummm...not really. Of course, I always try to eat better, exercise more, read more, help more, pray more,be a better friend, but those are things I always try to do I think.
7. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
To High School, when I was 17. Gooood times.
8. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
Paula Deen Maybe?? She eats a TON of food, and its all yummy, and yet she is not a 300 pound lady. That could be fun.
9. Who inspires you?
I can't pinpoint any one person, but I would think that all the young women back at the Shelbyville Ward are pretty inspiring. When I had a calling with the young women, I learned so much from them and from the other leaders. I loved hanging out with them, they are all so beautiful and wonderful.
10. What makes you happy?
Mexican Mondays, frozen yogurt, black bean chili, finishing something, thinking about December 2012, Justen, 4-H Camp
11. If you could give advice to a newborn, what would it be?
Quit poopin' in your pants...?
12. What is your favorite blog? Why?
Gosh, I have SOO many that I am in love with and stalk, but my go to blogs would have to be: The Red Kitchen and The Brown Eyed Baker

You've Been Tagged!!
  • Courtney
  • Ashley
  • Sheilani
  • Elizabeth
  • Betsy
  • Mary
  • Megan
  • Danielle
  • Britni
  • Sierra
  • Landri
  • Annie
Please complete these 12 questions and Post them to Your Blog!
1. What place would you most like to visit?
2. If you could plan a month long vacation, without flying anywhere, what would you do?
3. What is the best meal/dessert/etc. you ever made on accident? What was in it?
4. Would you rather have Birthday cake or pie?
5. What is your favorite childhood activity?
6. What makes you miss home the most?
7. If you could speak any other language, what would it be? What would you do with it?
8. If money was no problem, how many children would you want?
9. What is something you think you can never do, but want to so bad?
10. How are you feeling about February so far?
11. Where do you see yourself when you are 65 years old?
12. What is the best advice you could give a 20 year old?

-Sara Jacqueline

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