Woah February, Woah.
I just realized... like yesterday, that February is about over, which means it will be March, which means it is almost time for Spring Break, then Easter, then Schools out!! This is how my brain thinks when I am taking 21 credit hours and working 25 crazy hours. I think in Holidays and countdowns. What comes next so I can give myself some motivation?
So here it is again a week in Instagram pics. Sorry I didn't find time to post this past week... I am not sure what happened to Monday through Thursday, it was all a whirl.
For a recent baby shower, I made some newborn skirts. This is just one of them, the other photo got deleted by a certain almost 2 year old who likes to see "peetchas" (pictures). I paired them with some plain white onesies, so hopefully she will have something cute and comfy to wear to church during this spring and summer.

Am I obsessed? Maybe. Or is it just that I am stuck in Morehead, where there is literally nothing entertaining, and so I typically hang out with baby ballerinas....hmm. I guess she does have a pretty cool Mom too...
She is just the sweetest. If we could have her as our own, I would be first in line.....except Justen would beat me, and win because Miss K has a big crush on him. She loves to play with me, but never fails to ask where Justen is.
This little yellow dress has my name written on the tag. It says: made for Sara, with Love, Target.
Gee thanks!
He really hates when I study... HAH. I cannot wait until this semester is over, and I will be student teaching for reals. Trying to read a history book while he is watching movies is not cool.
Lastly. Target has done it again. I drool over their holiday (teachers do that ya know) aisles. They are so fun and magical, and I know you people know what I am talking about. You go in to the store for one little thing, and spend a whole hour walking all over the store playing with new home stuff, cute holiday things, candy, clothes, shoes...the bizarre dollar section. All of it makes you want to break that piggy bank and put your nose up to Walmart for good. I am just glad I made it out before I had to get a get a semi to haul out my goodies.
Happy Last Week of February!!
-Sara Jacqueline
That baby skirt is so cute! Did you use a pattern to make it?