Friday, January 20, 2012


I cannot believe I have already been teaching for two whole weeks!! Wow, we have already had so much fun, and have planned a TON more..exciting things to come!!!

Well Fridays are now officially the BEST days of the week besides Mondays, because we just got.....drumroll please..A Culture Teacher!!! Yes, this is exciting, because its not this old lady, or some strange guy who could care less. Me and my girls here in Tehuacán get to spend every Friday morning with our fun, young, wild teacher/mom, Irma.
Today she came and introduced herself, and we just talked about all the things we want to do and what we want to learn, and she whipped out her calendar and planned it ALL for us. We are looking forward to many food/cooking classes, fiestas, traditions, tours, and TONS more. Can it get any better??
Oh yeahh, she found us this place to do Zumba every day of the week. Each class only costs 20 pesos, or $1.60. I love bargains. Mexico is for me. So Irma is totally sweet, and fun and she is actually really easy to understand, so this is yet another opportunity to practice my spanish. I cannot wait till next Friday.

Tonight after class, I came home with my host family, picked up my laundry package down the street, and then we had a baking adventure. Ok, so its not really baking, but I chose to make Muddie Buddies, because everyone in the U.S. loves them, and they are basically the best sugary treat ever.
However, today at the store, me and Jen were struggling to find ANY of the ingredients. I already had brought peanut butter and powdered sugar from Kentucky, but we couldn't find any form of chex cereal in the store or chocolate chips. When I asked for chocolate chips, they pointed me towards cookies, and when I explained what I really wanted, they looked at me like I had a bird growing out of my nose. What the heck?
Welp, I got super creative, and substituted chocolate chips for Nutella, since that is ultra cheap and the chex cereal for Krave cereal from Kellogs. The cereal aisle is so wonderful to me, its already my favorite food, but in a foreign country, its even more fun. But we will talk about that another day.

These bad boys are like rice/corn puffs filled with a little bit of chocolate. So they are actually similar to the idea of chex.
My host sister Elly was OVERLY excited to make something with me, so we started as soon as we got home. I was actually really worried they wouldn't work the same, so I made sure she didn't get her hopes up...too late.

She thought this was hilarious to shake the bag of powdered sugar. She also didn't believe me when I told her the powdered sugar was sugar.

So yummy, but SO so bad for you.

Lastly, since it is Friday and its a good day to eat lotsa chocolate, I found this teeny box of goodies at the store, and figured I would try them out. Yes, this was my lunch. I have the best ideas, seriously.

The candy selection here is pretty legit. I haven't disliked anything except the corn/chile lollipop. But I am erasing that from my memory.

Thank goodness it is Friday, because tomorrow we are leaving on a bus to Puebla for a small weekend trip.!! We cannot wait!

-Sara Jacqueline

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